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Paul Faulk, Gun Charge Attorney in Oklahoma County

Federal Criminal Charges (Copy)

Gun charge law

Put our experience to work tackling your case.

If you're facing gun charges in Oklahoma City, you need expert legal help. Faulk Law will always put you first. Gun charges are taken very seriously by State and Federal prosecutors. You will most likely be facing prison time on any felony gun charges. 

These crimes include:

  • Felony in possession of a firearm

  • Carrying a firearm in a restricted place

  • Possessing a gun while committing a felony

Skilled Oklahoma City Attorney

Weapons charges often result in felony charges, and you can bet the prosecutor will throw the book at you. When you face a weapons charge, call an attorney who has experience in defending gun charges in both the state and federal court.

CalL THE Faulk Law Office for expert legal help at 405-235-2944


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